Sunday, May 23, 2010

Nanny Ogg's Cookbook

Ah, The Joye of Snackes! I have found Nanny Ogg's Cookbook, and I am ready to make Carrot & Oyster Pie, of which Nanny says, "Carrots so's you can see in the dark, and oysters so's you've got something to look at." I am hopeful that it works that way. I have some lovely Stilton from Trader Joe's that will go in.

While you Pratchettites will definitely get a review of Carrot & Oyster Pie, it will not be immediate. I'm about to go into the vortex of moving house. I don't mind moving, since I've done it a lot, but I will be crazy busy for a bit. So cheers to you! I will likely be signing in to read, but not to write. Don't forget me, though!


  1. Good luck moving! Do you follow the jinx-outsmarting practice of going ahead and breaking something right off, so you can get it over with and have everything else arrive in one piece? It's worked for me all eight times I've done it.

  2. I have already broken a dish that I quite liked, so hopefully the Moving Chaos Sprite is already pleased. I am packing everything & I have hired movers with a truck to take it to the new place. I find this is the best way to keep friends :).

  3. LOL! I hear you on the friends thing and moving,we feel the same way. Good luck in your adventure.


  4. I love the recipe for jammy devils in there. I have it practically memorized. And as soon as I find a purveyor of marzipan I shall be making rats on a stick!
